Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who wouldnt love this beautiful boy

I am the mother of an autistic child.
My day is filled with excitment and joy.
I know that getting up eveyday to see you smile makes it all worth it.
You are now going to school which is a big step for both you and me.
With hard work we can fight this thing we call autism.
We are so proud of you.
We will turn a negative into a positive.
Everyday that is what we do.
Our glass is half full instead of half empty.
We don't give up.
We don't fall apart.
We'll all make it though with determination.
All our children are special, and that's a fact.
We can all fight for our children.


  1. Hello, hello, hello, I am so glad you have done this!!! Its great, but beware it might take up ALOT of time.

    Your words were beautiful and so true. You do all those things, you turn a negative into a positive and I am proud of YOU, because you are so strong and you deal with all the challenges that you face daily with so much love and I just wanted you to know - I think you are amazing!!!

  2. Hi Sharon,
    I had no idea you started blogging!!! I found your link on Mandi's side bar. yea for you.
    I love your first post. So touching.
    Can't wait to read more.
